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Roma Fringe Festival

The first week of the Independent Theater festival – Roma Fringe Festival just finished. Good news is – another beautiful week is ahead of us!

I am delighted to have taken part in such an event, promoting independent theater in the eternal city, that opens so many doors for participants as well as gives spectators a whole new opportunity of stage experience.

My wife Martina and I went to the opening at Teatro Vascello and enjoyed two shows in a row. In between ordering spritz and negroni, and having beautiful chats with the “people behind the curtain” of the fringe festival. It was a night to remember.

The bottom line is that such events are the epicenter of culture . A place where someone falls in love with theater, young actors emerge like cream on top of the coffee, directors are being discovered and all the other magic happens.

What we did was create a whole new brand that we will reuse for the next couple of years with some different visuals to differentiate the next editions, the social media communication to promote and give information about the festival, and updating the already existing website, that we are definitely planning to replace for next year.

Between projects such as furniture design or branding of logistic companies – jobs that we love doing, this is definitely the black sheep of our portfolio. A black sheep we are happy and proud to have.