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Facing mistakes as a Team

Why playing the blame-game won’t help your business

It’s easy to adjust and find quick solutions when we work alone. A little knot in the day-to-day timeline can be fixed without interrupting other tasks. Just when we start working within a structure it starts to get more complicated. Chain of actions or input that you can not control requires smooth communication.

It is easy to distance yourself as an individual and filter a project down to the piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit into the big picture. But what comes after?

Working as a team requires empathy and mutual respect. Whenever there is a challenge a team is facing, created as a reaction to an error being made – it’s about saving time and problem solving, not about showcasing your clean consciousness.

Mistakes are there to learn from, not to carry them around and an uncomfortable environment creates bad work. In the long-run, blaming someone just makes the person to hide mistakes in the future. With that said an open office (in the sense of a team being open for conversation and problem solving) will give you much more in return and your teammates  instead of waiting for a reaction and preparing to plead their cases will start an immediate search for solutions.

Fear is a poison that is spreading faster than you think. Errors are inevitable, but they can be reduced dramatically by inclusion and the creation of a comfortable surrounding.

It’s not how much you can recall, it’s about how much you are able to apply.